[Company Logo Image]
45659 Van Dyke
Utica, MI 48317
(Get Map)
Phone: 586-731-6340  Fax: 586-731-1447

Store Hours:  Mon & Fri - 10AM to 8PM, Tues, Weds, Thurs & Sat - 10AM to 6PM, CLOSED SUNDAY

   Town Furniture is a family-owned and operated full line furniture store in the same location since 1956. Our friendly and courteous sales staff has many years of experience and are always pleased to help you find the "right" piece of furniture for any room in your home. (We'll even help design the whole room).

Town Furniture specializes in providing a no pressure environment, service after the sale, and deep discounts on name brand furniture.

Just click on the categories shown to see a list of many of our manufacturers and some of their products. This is just a small sample since the products and manufacturers we carry are very extensive.

Click here to see a comprehensive list of manufacturers of our product lines. If a manufacturer or product you are looking for is not shown, please don't hesitate to contact or visit us as we are continuously updating our product lines.

We look forward to becoming your source for quality furniture now and in the future.

Copyright © 2005 Town Furniture Inc.